Monday, February 7, 2011

Another Addition

Do you know what it is like to have to stab yourself every night, with a needle  (ok, I not asking you druggies), and not have a choice?   Oh sure, they say you have all these choice locations, your thigh, you upper buttocks, the upper back of your arm and your stomach. But most of those places hurt like . . . a lot worse!  They recommend that you do different locations because it is not good to do it in the same location, because of . . . . its been so long I forget the reasons.

I've  never gone along with all that I am "suppose to do."  I listen to everything that is said and then do what works for me.  What would have worked best for me was not doing the injection at all, BUT that wasn't one of my options. So I had to go home, cry a little about it than "put on my big girl panties and deal with it."

Barry wasn't giving me any of my shots!  Heck no!  It gave him the willies thinking about it and he made the funniest faces at the thought of doing it.  I was on my own on this one. So I got my frozen bag of peas . . . you think I'm stabbing myself carte blanche?  I don't think so! I put them on my thigh for thirthy minutes to get it a little numb, and during that thirty minutes I had to warm the medicine in my hand since it is stored in the refrigerator.  A cold injectable is more painful than a warm injectable and I was definitely looking for less.

Crap, the thirty minutes is up, the liquid is warmed, now I have to fill the syringe and stab myself.  Gads, I've never been in to pain and I've always been a complete weanie when it came to needles!

When Tyler and I would go get our annual flu shots together, I always put on a brave front before hand because, of course, Tyler needed me, his Parent to show it was no big deal.  Yea ok, I was screaming inside!  I don't want to get poked, its going to hurt sooooo bad!  But we walked up and each got stabbed.  Well, mine would hurt for at least an hour afterwards!  Tyler would just laugh and say Oh. Mom, that didn't even hurt!"  Easy for him to say, mine was throbbing.

OK, so the syringe is full, frozen peas moved off of my thigh, I cringe, pinch skin, stab, inject . . .  well it wasn't too bad if I had to do it.  But I did just stab myself with a needle, so there was pain, but it could have been worse . . . a lot worse.  Thank God it is a little needle.  One down every night to go.  Take it one night at a time.

1 comment:

  1. If I lived nearby, I would come and do it for you everyday...
    If it's any consolation, it gets easier with time, and it IS good for you!
